Use Our CBD Dosage Calculator to Find Your Ideal Starting Dose

Right next to how CBD works in the body, the number one question we hear from both people new to CBD and veterans is, “How much should CBD should I be taking?” It’s an important question with relatively few resources available, and as part of our mission to help improve wellness through CBD, we’re committed to helping provide answers.

As part of that drive to make CBD as clear as possible, we’ve now also created a custom dosage calculator. Just answer three simple questions around your previous CBD experience, body size, and desired effect, and the calculator will provide you with an ideal starting dose.

It’s important to keep in mind that while the calculator should give you a good foundation, it’s just that, a foundation. While body size, your sensitivity to CBD, and the strength of effect you’re looking for are three building blocks of dosage, there are a number of factors that will help determine the ideal dosage for your unique body chemistry, including your overall health, diet and more.

That’s why it’s our recommendation to start small and build slow. For example, someone who starts at 20mg may find that’s the ideal dosage for them right off the bat, or they may slowly increase their dosage 10mg at a time before finding that 40mg is what works best. That’s precisely why we make Lucent mints 10mg each, so you can easily find the dose that works best for you and then consistently and accurately take that same dose.    

With a little time, patience, and close attention you should be able to hone in on your ideal dosage. Yes, it will take a little effort, but the process will also leave you more engaged and in control of your health, which is always a good thing.

For a more in-depth look at CBD dosing, including minimum and maximum ranges and a breakdown of dosing with tinctures, read our original guide to CBD dosing. And, as always, regardless of why you’re taking CBD and at what dosage, talking to your doctor is always recommended.

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